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Monday, October 22, 2007

Hype or Not Hype?


Review # 1

The Millionaire League

Today I’m going to get this started by reviewing one of the most popular websites out there, The Millionaire League. The millionaire league is a pay per click system, easy to implement, and full of significant strategies that most other websites simply just don’t have.

It is an ingenious and easily-implemented strategy for how to create and leverage inexpensive ads into serious profits using Adsense™, Google's™ world-class advertising network (which anyone can use). Second, it gives members a very long list of unannounced bonuses. I was seriously surprised by this. He doesn't even tell you before you buy that he's going to give you these ebooks. These packages are sold elsewhere on the Interet by themselves, but Brian, (the creator) gives them to his members for free. I personally have devoured and implemented many of them myself and have found them immensely useful in my own web business.

To give you an idea of what they are, here are some of the titles:

The MySpace Cash Machine (excellent new ideas),
Google™ Adsense Income,
eBay Profit Secrets,
The Covert Income System,
License to Print Money,
New Cash Niches,
Viral Internet Profits,
and the list goes on and on.

After going over all the information its pretty clear to me that The Millionaire League is my #1 pick for a website that costs money.

Simply stated, it's the best pay-per-click system out there. It's the clearest, easiest to implement system we've seen yet.
The Millionaire League gives you three significant strategies that will make you money.

Finally, The Millionaire Leagueis initiating a new strategy for helping people get started with a new Internet business. Brian is actually offering to all new members a fully built, ready to go, money-making website. The value of this package is over $1000 and Brian is giving it away for free. This started on a limited scale in late 2006 and it's now being offered for all new members, at least for now. Considering that they have a full 8 week money back guarantee (which I also tested by the way, and it worked), you might want to check this one out soon. I'm not sure how long this promotion will last.

I can't think of a better way to get started fast than with a free website that you can start promoting within 20 minutes of joining.
My advice on the VIP package: I think it's actually a good deal. It's not much more cost and it gets you started a lot quicker because you see --visually-- how to do each step. If you learn faster by watching someone rather than reading, it's a no-brainer.

Brian has also just added a brand new feature: The Member's Forum. I have not seen anyone else ever offer this. I tested it and I actually saw that it wasn't censored! People are giving their raw opinions of the package.

You know that you can't please everyone, right? So I actually saw a few negative comments in there, but then the other members showed that person how they could fix their problem. This guy has a loyal Internet following of people that are actually making money and are not ashamed to make that loud and clear to others!

After starting my membership with the Millionaire League, I was so surprised to find that I don't know nearly as much as I thought I did about Internet Marketing. I didn't have a clue before! This package is worth it just for the lifetime membership to the forum alone. It's amazing to find out how others have solved specific problems--so I don't have to guess anymore.

This is really good stuff.

Final Decision – Not Hype – Excellent Opportunity – Legitimate Business with Money Back Guarantee

Score 9/10

I’d give it a 10/10 but fact is that it does cost money and only a site that is free with all his information would ever get a 10/10. I never said I was an easy grader, but check it out for yourself

The Millionaire League

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