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The Rich are Getting Richer, the Poor Poorer and the Middle Class is becoming extinct. Tens of thousands of people are losing their homes and livelihood while banks complete "write offs"

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy Belated New Years - Now make your resolution to succeed

Happy New Year to all my readers. I just came back from a nice long vacation over the holidays, (which online money paid for) and I am thrilled to see not only a few hundred more new readers, a stack of checks in my mail waiting for deposit, but these two very special emails from readers of my google group.

Take a look at them yourself and make your own resolutions for 2008

Hello All,

Below are two emails I received over the holidays. Thought I would share them with you to show you what some of the members are up to. If you'd like to join them and enroll in this exclusive club today which allows you to create unlimited affiliate websites and super affiliate campaigns, and includes over $40,000 worth of ground-breaking affiliate software and interactive Google "blueprint" training click here

You'll notice the people in the letters mention clickbank a lot. You'll need a ClickBank account to get started,

dont have one, CLICK HERE

Dear Wiki Profit,

I just wanted to let you know that prior to this..., I was beginning to doubt whether I could make money with the ClickBank program the techniques that I was taught before just plain didn't work. They either required some specialized technical ability or there was additional information that you need to know to use the tools provided to make the system work I was only able to make scattered sales from affiliate programs. After applying these techniques and using the tools ... I was able to see sales come in everyday for to different campaigns that I ran the very first week.

The tools were very effective in allowing me to come up with ads that
produced clicks that actually converted. I like being able to see which
affiliate products were hot. I always wondered how some marketers always
seemed to have advance knowledge about great products and get the jump on
the competition in making those early sales. The ClickBank Alerts tool makes
finding hot products a breeze

When you go one year without making any money on adwords and losing money
to making over $500.00 my first week ... I knew that my desision to join was well worth it. Anyone who is not sure if the internet lifestyle is real, don't give up trying to find out you are only one decision away from being on the fast track to seeing it for yourself.

~ Clemens Botts ~

Before this... I had been using adwords for several months and I was losing money so fast I was to the point of giving up on PPC altogether. I decided to give it one more shot.... My first time logging on ... I was amazed at the tools available. I love using tools and automation and this was a virtual playground. First off the conversion tracking on my Clickbank campaigns gave me all of the information I needed to dump the keywords losing me money so I could concentrate on the ones that actually brought in sales.

My first campaign using this I was able to turn a losing campaign
into an ROI of several hundred dollars a week! My first profitable campaign!
Some websites charge hundreds a month for this type of feature. This
combined with the clickbank alert helping me pick out products that are on
their way up but not being over promoted. I can now get a jump start on
profitable products before everyone else, getting clicks for as low as .05
or .10 ea. Product selection is no longer a stressful job.

These are just a couple of the dozens of tools available... Everything is awesome! From the keyword tools to the campaign creator I am able to kick out campaigns faster than ever. There is nothing like it. I have used all kinds of tools such as adwords dominator and nothing kicks out campaigns faster than affiliates den. I can launch several campaigns in less than an hour. Match this with all of the ad tools, adwords generator, adwords templates, popular adwords, etc. it has never been easier to write ads that kick my competitors in the ground!

... it makes creating adwords campaigns so easy and so fast. I have to say thanks...! Instead of quitting adwords altogether I am now banking
thousands in checks from Clickbank twice a month! Purchasing similar tools
would cost me thousands...

~ James Banners ~

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