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The Rich are Getting Richer, the Poor Poorer and the Middle Class is becoming extinct. Tens of thousands of people are losing their homes and livelihood while banks complete "write offs"

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Updates and Survey!

Below are 4 Exciting new updates about what has been going on recently including the launch of an eBay business, myspace account, blog and new website section.

I wrote about surveys’ and the ability to make money with them yesterday. Today I have a survey of my own for you. Unfortunately this is no the kind that makes money, but it will give me a better idea of what the members want and I will be able to move in that direction so its even more important because in the end, it will dramatically help you in the world of making money online. For the next couple of days I am going to open this Google Group up so that members have the ability to post so you have the choice of directly emailing me back your survey at wikiprofit@gmail.com or you can post your answers for the whole group to read.

So now without any more delay or anything, here are the updates, followed by the survey. Just copy and paste the survey into an email or your reply and type your answers in after each question. Looking forward to hearing from you!

#1 – The Wiki Profit Myspace page has been launched and already people are adding themselves every day. Yes in addition I’ve found myspace to be a little irritating as far as the amount of spam friend requests I get and an amazing amount of them are named “Amber” and have the same message. “Amber” sure is lonely I guess, which is quite odd if that is really her picture. But I digress, point is the myspace page is up, the web address below and it’s a great place to get to know one another, learn from each other, and make friends with other people who are also interested in making money online. Just make sure you deny all friend requests from “amber” or whatever her name is today. A quick rule of thumb on myspace is to deny all friend requests from people who’s profile either looks too good to be true or has a link to another “adult” website. Other than that, it’s a great place to keep up with friends, make new ones, and share information, and keep in touch with each other.

The address is http://www.myspace.com/wikiprofit, Add me.

#2 – My blog is now active. So far I haven’t put too much on it, but my first article that I wrote was quickly picked up by E-Zine articles website and published which is great news for everyone since it will give the website a little more publicity. Through this blog, I’ll be writing updates on all the new information I learn about making money online. The posts if I feel they are useful, will eventually make it on to the website too, but the blog is a more real time updated news update for everyone, so check it out, you can find it below. Feel free to go to it and add comments or suggestions.

The address is http://wikiprofit.blogspot.com/. Check it out.

#3 – As you’ve noticed from the past two posts, I’m starting to actually review all the “money making websites”’ out there that are similar to my own. This has been what’s been keeping me mostly busy the past few days. Making a complete website has been a very exciting project. This will result in a new section of my website called “hype or not hype”. Very excited about this and hope that it is very helpful to the readers.

#4 – I’ve reopened my eBay business. This has also been taking up a lot of my time. I ran this business for 5 years and made between $3000 and $10000 profit per month. This time I’ll be selling mostly DVD’s, CD’s, books and video games. Today I completed my first sale, A Sopranos DVD set and made a nice profit. Soon I will be selling the eBooks that I am offering for free to members. It will always be free to members. Once we get up to 100 members in this Group, I’m going to teach this business during the eBay competition that will begin. Whoever wins, can take over my business for me. But first we have to get to 100 members, and we are about halfway there so start telling your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family about it, have them sign up and the quicker we get there, the quicker you can start earning some real money. Especially with the holidays around the corner, there are thousands to be made.

My eBay user ID is synergynyc . Check it out for yourself on eBay by searching by Seller ID.


Question #1 – Are you going to become a friend of Wiki on Myspace, if not, why?

Question #2 -- Would you be more willing to join if it was done on facebook or through another social networking site I don’t know about?

Question #3 – Have you ever written a blog?

Question #4 - What information would you like to see in the Wiki Blog?

Question #5 – Have you signed up for any other money making websites? If so which and have they worked for you? I’d love to include your review on my website.

Question #6 – Have you ever created your own website? Is it still running? If so, would you like me to advertise it on my website for free?

Question #7 – Have you told anybody about this website yet? If not, why? If so, what has been their response? Have they joined?

Question #8 - Is there anything that I can do to help you share the website with others?

Question #9 – Have you ever sold before on eBay?

Question #10 - Would you be interested in participating in the competition yourself?

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