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The Rich are Getting Richer, the Poor Poorer and the Middle Class is becoming extinct. Tens of thousands of people are losing their homes and livelihood while banks complete "write offs"

This blog and website is dedicated to educating everyday people towards taking their financial security and future in their own hands by teaching them how to make additional money. Yes it is possible to make money on the internet and if you read this blog daily, visit the website, and sign up for the newsletter, you will learn how. Everything is 100% free and you will NEVER be charged for anything.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Free eBooks about how to make money online!

I am going to be creating tons of free eBooks for you to read and learn how to make money online. Feel free to download all or any of these books 100% free and learn exactly how I make money online.

After reading the book, I strongly suggest you do not waste any time and put the strategies into place before you forget them or get distracted with some "get rich quick" scheme. These books are the real deal on how to make money online and they are 100% free.

As a bonus, I am also giving you 100% resale rights on all these books. That means that you can turn around and sell or give away these eBooks to anyone you want. You can start making money with these books starting tomorrow. Currently I'm selling them on eBay but for my readers, I'm giving them away for free.

Just click here to see all the books and a brief description. You have to be a member to see the page but becoming a member is 100% free too.

I hope you enjoy them. I put them together on my own and hope that I can upload at least once or twice a week.

Affiliate Marketing Survival Guide - Make Money Online In An Ever Changing Market

Affiliate Marketing Survival Guide

Go Here For Tons Of Affiliate Tools

Question: What is the most successful market that gives the biggest paycheck?

Answer: It is what every affiliate marketer is looking for to succeed.

If you have tried affiliate marketing at all, you know already that it is much more complicated than some sort of magic formula or get rich quick scheme. The most successful methods have come from hard work, dedication and basic good marketing skills.

When you think about affiliate marketing, you realize how simple the concept is. You don’t need to do anything but advertise a product and if it sells you make money. If it does not sell, you lose the money you invested in advertising it. If you found free ways to advertise it, you lose nothing if it does not sell, and make the most profit if it does.

These facts have never changed.

Everything else about affiliate marketing changes. People come up with new strategies, techniques, tools, tricks and people are getting better and better at it. With the invention of every new fad, people find a way to affiliate market with it. Just look at things like myspace and youtube. Obviously they weren’t created for the purpose of affiliate marketing, but it happened anyway. A few years ago Google Adwords didn’t even exist.

Get Google Pay-Per-Click Ads Free!

Although the world of affiliate marketing is always changing and hard to keep up with, there are a few strategies that have worked before and will continue to work today. These strategies will help you increase your sales and survive in a very congested and ever changing market.

What are they?

  1. For each product you want to advertise, have a different web page. Do not put them all on one page. The more focus you put on your single product, the more likely somebody will be encouraged to try it out for themselves.

The two most important things on this page is your review of the product and the testimonials you have from people who have used it. This way people can see that your opinion and the opinion of the testimonials is reason enough for them to use the product. In a world that we are inundated with advertising, people have developed the ability to completely block off commercials. So make it seem like you really want to share with somebody something you truly enjoy. Write as if you are recommending a movie you really liked to a good friend.

Additional pages on the site can highlight all the uses of the product. Make the user keep wanting more until they finally click on your affiliate link.

  1. It is not a coincidence that almost every product you hear about these days comes with something free or in a free trial. If everyone else is offering free items, logic says that you better also or your reader will be off looking for a better deal. The best thing to offer your readers which won’t cost you anything are free reports about the product. Put them somewhere on the page where they can’t be missed. In order for the reader to get the free information, make them give you their email address. When you send them the free gift, make sure to include your affiliate link.

Do not make your emails sound like a sales pitch. After the reader leaves your website, if you have not collected their information, you have basically lost them forever. By staying in touch with them with email, they will be reminded of the product they read about and studies show that it takes up to 7 contacts with a lead to make a sale. Be sure the content in your emails has specific information about why they would want the product.

This may be hard to do without making it look like a sales pitch. What you can do is focus the things you think are most important to your reader. Best way to do this is to put yourself in their shoes and figure out what you think is most important. An easier more enjoyable life maybe? Who doesn’t want that. If your product can somehow deliver that, and you can convey that to the reader, why wouldn’t they buy it. Convince the reader that they really need the product.

Your subject line is crucial. Don’t use the word free. They’ll think its spam.

  1. Only go after the right kind of traffic. Obviously if you are trying to sell mens hair products to a group of women, you may not get the success you are looking for. Instead find out what publications men read and put your articles there. You don’t’ want to reach EVERYONE. You just want to reach the people you think might be interested. You will never get paid for people just reading your information, in the end they actually have to have a reason to buy.

By continually writing articles, you’ll generate over a hundred visitors to your site per day. Don’t make them longer than 600 words and always remember that only about 1% of the people who read your article are likely to buy. So if your article reaches 100 targeted readers a day, you’ll get one sale. 1000 people and you’ll get 10 sales. So try to write at least 2 articles per week.

None of this sounds very difficult to do right? It will surprise you that not everyone can do it. Either they give up early or don’t have it in them to keep trying until they succeed. Some just don’t have the time.

If you do have the time, put these tips into practice for several different affiliate products. You may surprise yourself and get an additional good source of income and if you love doing it, you will actually really start to enjoy life. If you can keep yourself motivated in the beginning, the large paychecks that will start coming in will be motivation enough later on.

Go Here For Tons Of Affiliate Tools

Make Money with Adsense

Best-selling Step-by-step AdSense Videos (5000 Units Already Sold)

Who Else Wants To Make Money With Adsense?

Making money with Adsense is like having your own TV show. You provide the original programming, the commercials show up and the people who came for your original programming occasionally are interested in the advertising that is geared especially for them.

When you think about it what is better than making money with Adsense? The idea behind it is that you put advertisements on your website. People who are interested in the advertisements click on them. You get paid every time somebody clicks. The people who click on them get sent to the advertisers web page, and do not have to pay you anything. The person who paid for the advertisement gets a potential buyer.

Adsense is a win-win situation for everyone involved so why aren’t you doing it.

I’ve been using Adsense for about a month and have earned a little over $100. And my website wasn’t even listed with search engines for most of that month!

Did you know? Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense. Can you say “are you smarter than a 10th grader? “

Did you also know? People just like you, who are just staying at home and have never made a penny online now have full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some examples you may have heard of already

You can get started with Adsense today, just check out my website to learn more about it and to sign up, click here.

The real fact Adsense is an equal opportunity money maker. Anyone, any age and gender can make money like this.


Some of the best videos about making money with Adsense are located here…

Just sit down and write an article. Use keywords and the Google Ads will take care of the rest. You don’t need experience or a high level of education. If you have a website and you’re not doing this, you’re simply just missing out on extra cash.

When combined together, your content, and Googles ads becomes a really powerful tool for the owner of the website. The most important thing is that you submit your own articles. Original content is highly valuable in the world of Adsense.

If you like writing, you have an advantage already. If you don’t, then what some people are doing is getting the services of those who like to write. Either way, the most important thing is to turn out a good quality and unique article.

Adsense is booming right now. There is a need for fresh, new articles with the keywords already there. So what should you do?

The best method that I have found is to write your quality content and put a link to your website in it. Then make sure your website also has original content with the same keyword and phrases in the article. This will result in having Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

Again this is where we get back to the win-win situation I mentioned earlier. People who are looking to find original information, get what they want. The person who writes the original content gets their message across. The website earns money. Even the advertisers end up getting some sales. You basically make money just for sharing your thoughts and having advertisements accompany them. It iss like you have your own TV show.

The internet has many possibilities for people to make money, and Adsense is just one of them. Don’t get left behind.

To get started with Adsense, go here, learn about it, and sign up.

If you’re in a hurry to start making money, or just want a really easy way to do it, check this out.

Millions are doing it, get started today!

Check out some other really great ways people are making money online

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Make extra cash online with Adsense, heres how

Best-selling Step-by-step AdSense Videos (5000 Units Already Sold)

Who Else Wants To Make Money With Adsense?

Making money with Adsense is like having your own TV show. You provide the original programming, the commercials show up and the people who came for your original programming occasionally are interested in the advertising that is geared especially for them.

When you think about it what is better than making money with Adsense? The idea behind it is that you put advertisements on your website. People who are interested in the advertisements click on them. You get paid every time somebody clicks. The people who click on them get sent to the advertisers web page, and do not have to pay you anything. The person who paid for the advertisement gets a potential buyer.

Adsense is a win-win situation for everyone involved so why aren’t you doing it.

I’ve been using Adsense for about a month and have earned a little over $100. And my website wasn’t even listed with search engines for most of that month!

Did you know? Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense. Can you say “are you smarter than a 10th grader? “

Did you also know? People just like you, who are just staying at home and have never made a penny online now have full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some examples you may have heard of already

You can get started with Adsense today, just check out my website to learn more about it and to sign up, click here.

The real fact Adsense is an equal opportunity money maker. Anyone, any age and gender can make money like this.


Some of the best videos about making money with Adsense are located here…

Just sit down and write an article. Use keywords and the Google Ads will take care of the rest. You don’t need experience or a high level of education. If you have a website and you’re not doing this, you’re simply just missing out on extra cash.

When combined together, your content, and Googles ads becomes a really powerful tool for the owner of the website. The most important thing is that you submit your own articles. Original content is highly valuable in the world of Adsense.

If you like writing, you have an advantage already. If you don’t, then what some people are doing is getting the services of those who like to write. Either way, the most important thing is to turn out a good quality and unique article.

Adsense is booming right now. There is a need for fresh, new articles with the keywords already there. So what should you do?

The best method that I have found is to write your quality content and put a link to your website in it. Then make sure your website also has original content with the same keyword and phrases in the article. This will result in having Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

Again this is where we get back to the win-win situation I mentioned earlier. People who are looking to find original information, get what they want. The person who writes the original content gets their message across. The website earns money. Even the advertisers end up getting some sales. You basically make money just for sharing your thoughts and having advertisements accompany them. It iss like you have your own TV show.

The internet has many possibilities for people to make money, and Adsense is just one of them. Don’t get left behind.

To get started with Adsense, go here, learn about it, and sign up.

If you’re in a hurry to start making money, or just want a really easy way to do it, check this out.

Millions are doing it, get started today!

Check out some other really great ways people are making money online

Automate Your way to Affiliate Profits Online

Automate your Way to Affiliate Profits

A month ago, I started my eBay business for the third time. The first try lasted three years and towards the end I was making between five to ten thousand dollars profit per month. The second try lasted about a year. Both attempts ended badly. Not because I was losing money or people weren’t buying. Completely the opposite. I was selling hundreds of items per day and simply could not keep up with the shipping. As I fell farther and farther behind, the negative feedback comments came pouring in. I found somebody on craigslist and hired him to do the shipping for me. He agreed, I paid him $1 per item shipped and gave him full access to my products. He could have made $100 a day. A month later I found out he never shipped a thing. There was no catching up from there. Complaints came in to eBay that people had paid for items and never received them, my account got so flooded with negative comments that I had to close up shop. I was pretty annoyed at the way eBay dealt with it too and vowed never to go back. A year later, I tried again, and this time I had automated absolutely everything. Unfortunately, I automated it so well, that once again I fell so far behind in the orders, I had to shut down, fulfill all the orders, and I never got around to starting again…until about a month ago, and this time with a new account, zero feedback, and plenty of valuable lessons learned, I’m determined to last a long time.

But this piece is not going to be about eBay. If you want to learn more about eBay, the business I ran, or anything related, just check out my website section on eBay. Today I’m going to write about the amazing concept of automation. Without automation, we would never actually be able to grow our business. For example I will not run an eBay business without at the minimum, selling manager pro. This is not an endorsement for the product, it has a lot of flaws, but the amazing thing that it does do is automate your listing, feedback and most importantly emails. Staying in touch with your customers on eBay is probably the most important thing you can do, and this product emails them automatically at every important juncture in their transaction, including when the item is purchased, payment is received, item is sent out, and once more to remind them of feedback. Imagine selling 100 items a day and trying to keep up with sending out all these emails? Now if only they would develop a product that automatically ships stuff out too, I would be able to focus more on other aspects of making money online. But since that is impossible, I found a great way to automate something else, affiliate marketing, and it has been automated to copy someone who has already made millions with it.

If you are trying to succeed online with affiliate marketing but find it to be incredibly tedious and frustrating to find the right products, get the perfect keywords, create and then recreate campaigns, lose money on Adwords that get clicked but never get any leads, and basically spending forever just to make a few bucks, stop what you are doing right now because you’re doing it all wrong. Somebody else already had this problem. 99% of people fail at affiliate marketing because of this. There is one individual who was determined to make it work. I have been a huge fan of his for years now, and just last week he released a product that has completely changed the face of making money online. He has literally made millions of dollars on the internet and shows proof on his website. He genuinely loves doing so, so the fact that he invested over $40,000 and 6 months into creating this product just lets you know how well it actually works. My first week with this product, I made $500. And I’m still just learning it!

This product is the culmination of over six months work by him, his programmers and over a dozen other top underground wealth builders. The software is automated to think just like Chris does, it will generate keywords, campaigns, tools, that each are worth over $1000. It also includes a selection of methods that are PROVEN to make people who never made money online, enough to quit their day job. The techniques in this product if implemented correctly can generate around $200 per day profit. The product even moves well beyond affiliate marketing to some other genius ways to make money online. For those of you who have bought eBooks, put the methods into practice only to find out you have no idea what you are doing, and that the book is not clear enough, this is the answer. It is a proven step by step way to profit online. In the end this is an automated wealth creation system that very nearly forces you to copy the same moves that Chris used to reach his millions. You’ll be blown away by the powers of this system.

I’m not going to keep hyping this product up. Membership to this is strictly invitation only. I have been able to get in touch with Chris, told him about how many readers I am trying to help make money online, and he secured for me some special invitations that I can extend to you. If you are completely serious about wanting to make money online, I strongly suggest you at least check it out. There is a video on the site that describes everything and it is completely free to just go to the website and learn about it and then you are free to decide on your own. Unfortunately he was only able to block off 10 memberships for my readers so only the first 10 that go to the link below will be able to sign up. He’s also told me that within the next week, he will most likely increase its price because he really wants to limit the number of people using this method.

If you are serious about making money online, don’t waste anymore time and get started NOW!

or check out some other great tools that will make you money

Monday, November 19, 2007

how I got my eBay MBA and you can too

MY eBay MBA is better than your IVY LEAGUE MBA

If you ask me, I got my MBA twice. The only thing the two have in common is that they were both done part time while I worked a full time job and they both helped move my career forward immensely.

The first time was in an actual school setting, part time, three nights a week for two years. The second time was behind my computer, teaching myself how to successfully run an eBay business when I started my first eBay business.

Become An eBay(R) PowerSeller In 90 Days. This Program Has Helped 1000s Of People Gain eBay(R) PowerSeller Status And Achieve Their Online Goals.

Leading up to the fall/winter of 2002 I think, don’t quote me on the year, it was a long time ago, I wanted to buy a book called “The Complete Far Side Collection”. You may or may not be familiar with it. It is a collection of all the Far Side comics ever made by Gary Larson. It consists of two volumes and each set weighs about 25 pounds and each page is full of some of the best humor you will ever see.

It was sold out everywhere but was selling on eBay for almost $300. The retail value of it was about $150 and I couldn’t bring myself to paying double. Instead of buying it, I got to work. I checked every resource I could think of to find the book cheaper. No luck anywhere.

Then finally I was sitting in my office and it occurred to me to just call the publisher directly to find out if there actually were any of these books left in circulation.

The Silent Sales Machine Hiding On EBay(R. 2007 Version! Approaching 100,000 Copies Sold. The Most Creative EBay(R) EBook(R) Ever Written.

I found the number on the internet and to my surprise, somebody answered, and he was not only very friendly, but extremely helpful and informative. He talked to me about the huge popularity of the book and how limited it really was. He also told me that the only place in his records that still has this book in stock was Costco. Costco! Why didn’t I think of that?

I politely said thank you and goodbye and rushed to their website. They had 50 left in stock at an amazing price of just $80 each. I could have just bought one and called it a great day saving so much money, but I had already gotten my first MBA and was thinking like a businessman.

A little quick math in my head and a few minutes later and I had just charged almost $4500 on my credit card (damn that shipping and tax) and cleaned Costco out of their remaining supply of books. The next hour was spent with buyers’ remorse. What if the publisher releases more? What if I can’t sell them? What if the price drops? To succeed in business, you have to take some risks, and this was my first ever.

The UPS guy who delivered them was not happy. They came in big brown boxes, 2 in each, so yes, they weighed 50 pounds per box. It took over almost his whole truck. I was at work during the first delivery and they left me a note saying they’d come back one more time. We all know what happens if you miss a UPS delivery more than once, they either ship it back to the sender or they make you come pick it up.

I took the next day off from work. You aren’t supposed to tip UPS men I don’t think, but keeping in mind I lived in an apartment building in Queens with no elevator to speak of, so I did anyway. Total cost so far, $4520 and one day missed of work.

PlanetSMS Digital Mentorship Monthly. Follow A *Real Life* eBay(R) PowerSeller On The Road To Success. Step-By-Step Videos Show You How

My one bedroom apartment was all of a sudden full of heavy, large brown boxes. I got to work and listed my first one auction style and started the bidding high and kept my faith. After all, they were still selling for almost $200 on eBay. By the end of the auction, it sold for around $200 and I was elated.

Now I just needed to sell over 20 of them at this price to reach my break even point. Break even point is another concept I slept through in business school, but learned quickly on eBay. I kept listing, the bids kept coming in, and I kept shipping them. I had to buy myself a handcart from the local hardware store so I could haul them down to the UPS store every week. Another $20. I got to know the UPS guy and made a deal with him on the boxes.

After I made my break even point, 23 sold, the publisher released the second edition into the market and they were selling for about $150. The remaining 26 books ( I kept one for myself) sold for between $120-$180 and all of it was profit. I still to this day have the copy I kept, it sits right on my coffee table. In total I made about $3000 dollars in one month, but more importantly I learned enough to really launch my eBay business.

By then I had a glowing feedback rating from all the books I sent to people, and I knew everything I needed to know about how eBay works. I also got 4000 credit card points from my initial investment in the books. All in all, a great experience, which led to the launch of my current eBay business, which in turn led to the launch of my other online ventures.

Sky High Auctions For eBay(R) Selling - $100 Per Sale! eBay(R) Training Videos To Help People Looking At Starting Out Selling Products Through eBay(R) Or Other Online Auction Sites.

I studied finance for 4 years, and business school for my MBA for 2, and I didn’t learn nearly as much as I learned in that one month of selling on eBay. For this reason, I strongly recommend launching your internet presence with an eBay business. It does not include the complications that go along with other ventures like affiliate marketing, adsense or search engine optimization.

Millions of people surf eBay everyday and if you find that one product that everybody else wants, the business law of supply and demand will always work in your favor, and you will make your money online in no time.

Profit Monster - 2007 Adwords & eBay(R) Income Streams. Step-by-step Videos, E-book & Top Affiliate Support.

For those of you who don’t have $4000 to invest in inventory, or would much rather go into eBay with no risk at all, there is good news for you too. Drop Shipping! Keep checking back for more information about how to start your Drop Ship business.

For now check out my top tools that already have tons of great information and resources.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tools To Make Money Online

I have made tens of thousands of dollars online in the past few years researching ideas about making money online and through this free website, I share exactly how you can do it too.

Below are some of the best programs offered online that are not free. Since I do not own the rights to these programs, I cannot legally share the information with you for free.

However I do feel that these programs below include some of the most valuable information you will need to make money online in a short amount of time. They will require some sort of financial investment on your part, but in most cases that investment is small and the return you get will be 10 to 100 times that.

Keep in mind, these are not JUST "e-books". They are exact step by step proven techniques of making money online. The majority of them have 100% money back guarantees so you have nothing to lose.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and the fact is if you do end up spending a little to get started, you may be even more motivated to succeed and make that money back. Before you know it, you've not already made that money back, but you're thousands of dollars ahead.

I have only included links to the programs with a brief description and no additional hype or detail on purpose. Once you arrive at their websites, they will provide you with the detail and hype you will ever need. These are all proven, tested and tried methods and do not need any "hype" on my part.

Proven Money Maker At $9,547 A Day

Get Google Pay-Per-Click Ads Free!

The Grand Daddy Of All Seo Software! Get A Top 5 Google Ranking In Under 30 Days!

Hired Videotaped Actor Handles The Selling For You And Converts Unlike Anything Else You Have Seen! Try A Simple Google Campaign Or A 100% Money Making Press Release. Guaranteed To Perform! Full Instructions

Fast & Easy Secret Money Making System - Without Using A Website Or Marketing.

Paid Surveys Etc.. #1 Survey Site.

The Amazing Money-Making Secret Of A 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs Of FedEx, eBay(R), Amazon, Time Warner, Apple Computer, McDonalds, Microsoft, Nike, Yahoo, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, And Goodyear Combined!

Blogging To The Bank 2.0.

Go Here For Tons Of Affiliate Tools

A Fellow Member Just Made Over $12,000 In One Month With AdSense! Get Others To Promote Your Affiliate Links On Over 2,046,000 Webpages Across The Internet!

Best-selling Step-by-step AdSense Videos (5000 Units Already Sold)

Run Your Own Amazing Article Directory And Explode Your AdSense Revenue.

Drive Massive Amounts Of Laser-Targeted Traffic To Your Site! Easily Dominate Google AdWords And AdSense!

How To Set-up And Optimize Your Wordpress Blogs To Create Profitable Niche Google Adsense Websites.

Get A Giant List Of All CB Affiliates For Any Product. Instantly See All Adwords Keywords For Any Domain. Spy On Adwords And Yahoo Search Marketing Ads And Much More!

Step By Step Blueprints To Attract Millions Of Cash Paying Visitors From Across The Internet, In Large Numbers Without Google Adwords And Without Paying A Dime In Advertising.

Learn The Secrets I Use To Make Over $160,000 Every Single Month By Advertising On Google AdWords.

Top Selling New WoW Guide. Always Testing To Improve Conversion Rates! Targeted Adwords Traffic Has Converted As High As 13%! Send Traffic Where It Will Be Converted! Plenty Of Tools For You To Check Out At My Affiliate Page.

How An Adwords Campaign That Costs $4.22 Makes Me $414.76 Every Month. And How I Replicate It In Just 2 Minutes.

Drive Massive Amounts Of Laser-Targeted Traffic To Your Site! Easily Dominate Google AdWords And AdSense!

33 Days to Online Profits

Public Domain Riches

Instant Sales Letters

Ultimate "at-Home" Internet Copywriting Workshop

Instant Traffic Stampede

Stomping the Yard

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Group are you in?

Yesterday I showed you an amazing opportunity to make some money on the web. Check out yesterdays article here. Yesterday I also gave you the #1 reason people do not follow up with these kinds of opportunities, their own fear of success and feeling that they don’t deserve money that is not sweated over. I hope by today you have gotten past those fears and started on your path to success.

If you haven’t, well yesterday I also said here is another reason you may not follow up and it has nothing to do with your fears. It has to do with the kind of person that you are.

Let me over generalize for a second. There are three types of people in this world. The first type is able to always think outside of the box, come up with new ideas, and not be afraid to try them out. If you can’t do all three of these, you are not of this type. These people are extremely successful making money online, and one of them is this guy that came up with this program.

The second type is not meant to make money online. They are the 9-5ers who are happy and successful doing what they are doing and have absolutely no interest in learning something new that could make things easier. These are low risk type of people and making money online is simply not for them. They are content and happy. If this is you, you have no reason to be reading this.

If you don’t fall in these types, don’t fear, there is a third option, and if you are reading this, then this is you. This person finds it a little harder to think outside of the box, doesn’t come up with a new idea every day, but is not afraid to try out ideas they learn about from the people in type #1. These people may or may not work, have enough money, or much ability, but they are aware that there is a world of opportunities available to them and all they have to do is just try. They keep trying until their first success and in most cases, ride that success into the sunset.

Anyway….if you are the first type of person, chances are you don’t even need this website, you can come up with your own ideas and you already have several different ideas you are dying to try out. If you don’t, then what are you waiting for, get started, you don’t need me. The second type of person has not gotten this far into the article.

My goal is to help the person in the third category. Remember when I said I felt guilty about making money online yesterday? Well I also feel blessed that I am able to and to make up for the guild, my goal is to educate this third type of person on all the different opportunities available on the internet to make money online and I do it through my website and newsgroup.

I’m going to tell you about this opportunity one more time. It just came out this week and people are literally making hundreds a day with it. Google has not yet realized how it got by them. You still have a chance to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars by just simply following the steps. The process is made amazingly simple by the author, so simple that it really just consists of you following the steps. I’ve been following this author for quite some time and every program he’s come out with has been a real money maker.

He is the epitome of somebody in group number 1 that is out there to help people in group number 3. Possibly he feels guilty about all the money he makes too? Or maybe he, like myself, hates to see people not know about these kind of opportunities. Regardless I really suggest you at least check out his site. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain!

If you’re a little bit confused by the groups, tomorrow I’m going to share a little about how I found out which group I’m in. Until tomorrow, good luck and get rich!

Check it out here. I’m just really annoyed I didn’t think of it first but I’m not too proud to share it with everyone else.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Feeling Guilty about Making Money online? DONT!

Today I found the most amazing way to make money online and it got me to thinking about why anyone would not do it. Honestly I jumped at the opportunity and am annoyed I didn't think of it myself.

There are two reasons I can think of that you wouldn’t try it out. Let me try to psychoanalyze for a second, and then get on to the amazing method.

If you want to skip the psychoanalysis and just go straight to the amazing idea, just click here or go to the bottom of this piece, and I will try not to be offended. You may have seen the hype already about it, and from what I’ve seen, it absolutely lives up to it and is a must have for anyone trying to make money online in their spare time without spending a dime.

Do you feel guilty about making money on the internet? To be honest, I sometimes do, especially when I see people working their tails off just to barely make ends meet. You would be shocked to find out how many people actually don’t take the steps to learn how to make money online because they feel guilty making easy money, or I should say easier money. I know it’s not exactly rocket science or manual labor but it isn’t something a chimp could do either.

Some people actually feel they either don’t deserve money that’s not sweated over or that its just not possible. People have been taught since childhood and it has been engrained in their subconscious, that there is no such thing as easy money, so they don’t even bother. Some just don’t give themselves enough credit that they too can make money by using their own creativity. You don’t need to have a boss to make a living.

The other day I came across this amazing opportunity. I shouldn’t even be writing about it because I’m just beginning to learn it and my time is short, but this is just an example of how possible it is to be successful on the internet. If you can get past your mental roadblocks, you will realize this is something that you can do and that you deserve for all your hard work. I’m not technically allowed to write exactly what it is since the person who made it is charging money for it, but the money is fractional compared to the information involved. I can tell you however everything that I’ve learned about it on my own.

From what I can tell, it is the freshest and most cutting edge way to make money online that has been invented in a long time. No tedious Search Engine Optimization or Affiliate links. I just checked and it is actually right now the #1 way people have been making money online and it only just debuted this past week.

I can tell it was invented by someone very creative. The potential is huge and the methods are simple. If you don't have a lot of money, need something that isn’t a lot of hard work, but still want to make a lot of money, and all the time learn extremely valuable lessons about making money online, this method is for you.

Check it out here. I’m just really annoyed I didn’t think of it first but I’m not too proud to share it with everyone else.

If you’re still not convinced, check back tomorrow and I’ll fill you in on the second reason why people pass up amazing opportunities like this without thinking, and then maybe you’ll be convinced of what a great opportunity this is, but by then, you’re fellow readers will be light years ahead of you….

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Web Page Redesign & Free eBooks

Web Page Redesign!

10 Free eBooks plus Much Much More to come!

You may have noticed that my entire website geared towards helping people make money online for free has been completely revamped. You may notice that a lot of the information on there is missing. First let me assure you that its not. This past weekend, I learned some of the most valuable lessons you can learn in the art of web design, and hopefully you will benefit from my education.

If you were in the middle of a tutorial or learning some advanced methods and the page is no longer available, I apologize. At the end of this blog, I will make up for it by showing you how to get some great stuff for free. I assure you though, all of the information will be put back, but in a much more effective and efficient manner.

Wikiprofit still contains all the information about making money online with eBay, Adsense, and Affiliate Marketing through tools like web design, Adwords, Search Engine Optimization and much more. It still contains all the best information from all over the internet on where and how to make money online. My goal is still to be the best website to “learn how to make online in your spare time without spending a dime”.

In my opinion, and maybe yours too, the old format was just way too difficult to navigate. It consisted of over 140 pages!. With that many pages, you are bound to get some broken links. In the end it’s just frustrating to go through so many pages of information, no matter how valuable the information is.

So what did I do? First I wrote the goals that I want my website to accomplish. Here they were in there order of important. If you plan on making a website, I encourage you to follow the same steps.

  1. Easy to Navigate Site
  2. Best Education Possible for the Visitors
  3. Visitors take advantage of all the free information & ebooks available in the google group.

What I then realized was that I could accomplish all three goals simply by putting less on the website! Yes that’s not a typo, I said less. Instead of 140 pages to navigate, some of them long and tedious to read, I narrowed it down into the 40 most important pages and I even shortened them. To give you an idea of how much information I removed, included in those 40 pages are new sections about investing, saving, budgeting and youtube.

On the website, you will see that each page has a topic, key benefits, requirements, skills, articles and information about the topic, and a link to sign up for the newsletter to get the free ebooks that relate to that topic. That’s it.

So what happened to the other 100 pages of useful information you were planning to use to start making some real money? It’s still there but now it is in eBook form ready for you to download for free and read at your own leisure. You no longer have to go through tons of information you don’t need, you can pick which book you want and only read about that. Each topic has been divided into several different ebooks that I will put together and will be available to download for free from my google group any time you want.

Did you get that? I accomplished all of my goals. All it took was a little bit of concentration, organization, deep thinking, and a hard drive crash to wipe out all my old pages that I had saved. I did it all in a weekend but obviously not all of the ebooks have been completed. I plan on completing a few of them every day and uploading them to the site.

For each method of making money online, I plan on offering at least 4 ebooks consisting of beginners and advanced guides, a full tutorial, and a tips & tricks guide. I will have this for Affiliate Marketing, Adsense, Adwords, eBay, and much more.

For the time being, please check out the redesign of my website and tell me what you think. I’m even trying to work with a new logo design and want to hear all your opinions. I will work daily on making this website as good as it possibly can be but its nothing without its visitors so if it something you like, please forward it on to your friends.

I know I’ve taken a lot of information off the website right now that isn’t immediately available in ebook format so to make up for that, please check out this website where you can download 10 Free eBooks about making money online. It’s a great site and all the ebooks are already part of my collection and have been used over and over again to make me thousands of dollars online.

Check it out here.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing, Part 2 - My First Affiliate Marketing Experience

8 Step Process towards affiliate success

Sign up for my free google group newsletter

My very first affiliate marketing venture was a success. I was shocked. My wife was shocked. It took less than 24 hours. I got a Paypal payment in the amount of $40 less than 4 hours after sending an email out to a bunch of my friends. My cost was absolutely nothing, I just wanted to test out the very first affiliate link I found to be useful. All of a sudden my Paypal account had a deposit in it. Amazing, and I’ve been hooked since of this brilliant idea of selling somebody else’s products and getting money for it.

Unfortunately after that really quick success, I didn’t succeed again until months later. I read tons of books about it, read a lot of information online, and signed up for a lot of programs. One program out of all of them helped me the most, and it was very inexpensive compared to the others. I actually made the money back with my first affiliate sale. It was James Martell’s 8 Step Process. It provided every piece of the puzzle necessary to get started.

You can always check my website or blog out for tons of free affiliate marketing info, and this weekend I should be uploading to my free Google Group an in depth e-Book about succeeding with affiliate marketing. Make sure you’re a member! Otherwise you can buy it on eBay for a few bucks, but for members, everything is always free. Wouldn’t be a bad idea though just to have an ebay ID.

The trickiest part about affiliate marketing, just like my article about adsense, is getting people to view what you are offering. With Adsense, the trick was to get people to your blog or website so they would click on your advertisements. With affiliate marketing, you don’t even need a website or blog. You can simply advertise your products through email or Adwords and I’m sure you know it takes a lot less work to make an Adwords campaign than to run an entire website or keep updating a blog.

The beauty of Adwords is that you can start your campaign immediately, people will see your ad on their Google results if they put in the right keywords that you are targeting, and if they click on your ad and purchase the item or do whatever your affiliate goal is, your profit is the commission subtracted by how much you paid for the click. If they click on your ad and decide against the product, you lose the cost of the click so it is extremely important to make good ads that only the people who plan on buying will click on them.

This is all very in depth stuff that requires studying before you jump head in. Again I strongly suggest you go ahead with the free Adwords e-course to really educate yourself on the subject of Adwords.

Of course if you decide against using Adwords, you can still be an affiliate marketer, it’ll just be a little tougher.

Tomorrow I’m going to identify the ways to be an affiliate marketer for free, but don’t forget to check out this great ebook if you decide you want to independently investigate yourself.

You hopefully signed up for the free e-course on Adwords from the previous article. Now I want to share with you yet another 100% free e-course done completely through email from one of the true Adwords geniuses, Perry Marshall. Click here to sign up for it, no cost, no fuss, and if you really like it, you should read his book. I did and it changed the way I look at using Adwords to make money.

For people who already get the basic gist of Adwords and want to go on to the next level, get an Adwords consultations, click here, or for personal Adwords coaching from a true genius, click here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing, Part 1

Best Deal on Affiliate Marketing

Ok, I get the message. You guys want to learn about affiliate marketing. Ever since I started my free website about making money online, I’ve been getting emails daily for more information about it. So you want to make money with affiliate marketing? Just kidding, of course you do. It’s all the rave, its everything you hear about online. All the super guru’s are sticking it in your face how much they’re making with it. So what is it all about? Who can you trust?

First let me mention that this will just be a snapshot of what affiliate marketing is. I’ve actually been working on a more complete eBook that I’m going to upload to my Google Group in the next couple days. It will consist of pages and pages of free information. For now, let’s consider this just a prequel to the E-book, but keep an eye out for that. I promise all this time I’m putting into it will make it very in depth.

Check out my Google Group here, its chocked full of free eBooks and one about affiliate marketing is going to hit any day now.

Now onto making money with affiliate marketing. Do you ever notice when you are looking to buy something online, like a DVD or CD or Book, tons of the links that you click on end up bringing you to Amazon.com even though that’s not where you thought you were going? Do you know why? Amazon created the first ever Internet affiliate marketing program. People advertise Amazon products all over the web, the customers click on their links, it brings the customer to amazon.com, they make a purchase, and the person who made the affiliate link gets a small commission. That in a nutshell is affiliate marketing. Get it yet?

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online. The very basic definition of it is you, the affiliate marketer, promote a merchant’s product in exchange for a commission. Simple right. To start is easy. To master it takes real work and dedication. What it actually consists of is four basic steps

A: finding a hot product in a hot market (can be absolutely anything)
B: registering with an affiliate program you trust ( most sites have them now)
C: promoting the product on your own (adwords, website, blog, email)
D: hoping people buy it. (you can lead a horse to water….)

The best part about affiliate marketing is that like the many things that I teach, it can be very cost effective. Translated, if done right, it won’t cost you hardly anything and anything you do spend will quickly be made up in commissions.

Warning: If done wrong or rushed into without proper education, it can be very costly and you could lose a lot in a couple of days.

Once you fully get this concept, you will be making money.

Tomorrow I’m gonna go over my very own first experience with affiliate marketing and how I turned it into a success.

Today I’m going to give you the secret to that success, out of all the programs I joined, Net Breakthroughs simply was amazing. You get so much extra added bonuses, its so ridiculous I cant even list them all here because of space limitations, and in the end, they offer a full money back guarantee and you get to keep everything you got.

In the end, I figured that I didn’t want to take the big step into affiliate marketing with the fear that I’d lose my shirt because I didn’t know what I was doing, I went in with big hopes, and came out with big cash. He offers the money back guarantee but I’d much rather have the money I made using it.

Check it out here.

And if you still feel you are a beginner and need to master adwords first, check out my blog on learning adwords and taking the free course.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Make Money With Adsense

No Cost Adwords Tutorials, Coaching And Tips

Adsense in theory is really simple, and completely free to make money with. The basic concept is that it consists of advertisements placed on your website by Google that you make money for each time somebody clicks them. For Adsense to work and make you money, first you need to have a blog or a website. These you can have for free, just sign up on blogger.com or make a free Google Page. Make sure they are relatively interesting sites that people actually want to read about.

Once your site is just about ready, and has some decent content, you then need to have an AdSense account. So far, simple right? Now here comes the “get money” part.

To get a good understanding, check out any major website and you will see the pages filled with “ads by Google”. Depending on where you are reading this, you may even see it surrounding this piece.

When and most importantly IF people visit your site, they see your ads which Google places there and relates directly to your content. When they click on the ads, you get paid. You won’t get a whole lot per click but generate enough visitors and it will build up. The best part is that once it’s set up, it no longer requires much work and you focus on other ways for your website to start making money like affiliate marketing or just running your own retail business.
Adsense is just one of the ways these websites stay free. They actually generate that much income from people just clicking the ads. So can you do it too? Of course you can, just be smart about it.

The first couple steps were easy, but the trick now is how do you get people to your page?
Your first response to the question above might just be, people will search for it and they will find it. Well it’s not that easy. Not even close. There is a subject called Search Engine Optimization or SEO that is more complicated than I want to get into. A quick fact is that not all websites are in search engine results, they actually have to be placed there through a series of complicated events and search engine algorithms. This piece is NOT about search engine optimization, but I’m just going to give a quick run down of what it consists of to show you why it’s not my favorite way to get visitors. You can find a full tutorial and ebooks about it at my website if this is the way you want to go.

Search Engine Optimization can be either time consuming, expensive, frustrating or all of the above. Take the easy way out, pay for it, and you’ll be paying a few hundred dollars a month and most likely get decent results. Take the more time consuming method of doing it yourself and you’ll want to pull your hair out after just one day.

Even more frustrating is that after hundreds of hours, time or both spent optimizing your site, you find out that Google changed their rules on what they consider a good site. You may even find out that the company you hired did something that got your site completely banned from Google. You may even find that after a week of being in search results, you unexpectedly drop out, and what can you do about it, call Google? Good Luck. There are people out there who have devoted their lives to this art, who check everyday to make sure their page rank hasn’t dropped, and they even blog daily about it. You have to pick your battles online wisely and these are people you do not want to go up against.

So what is one to do? You have a pretty website or blog and you want people visiting, reading and most importantly clicking on the ads.

Well in keeping with my theme of making money without spending money and actually having time to enjoy your life, I’m obviously against hiring an SEO company to help. I also don’t think a good part of your life should be devoted to learning something that changes each day. But don’t worry even a little, the answer is already here and it is Google Adwords.

I have built my entire business around Adwords, and even though this is also an art that needs to be mastered, it is nowhere near as difficult as SEO. If you don’t know too much about Google Adwords, you still don’t have to worry. There is a completely free tutorial available here that I swear by. It taught me everything I need to know. I even became a member because it was so valuable.

In addition to your free membership, they will provide you with a free keyword research tool to help you find out how many times people have searched for a certain keyword. You will also get a free script that allows you to check where a page on your site lands in the Google rankings, and a Google keyword tool to get other keyword ideas, get your site-related keywords, and even check average bid prices. To my amazement, all of this was 100% free and that is why I’m passing the info on to you.

Check out the website, its free, click here

After you’ve read the major tutorial, played with the tools, you are ready so start your ad campaigns. I highly recommend the paid upgrade but that is completely up to you. If you’ve been trying to master Google Adwords, and you’ve found it completely frustrating, this will finally make you really get what it’s all about. Whether you want it for Adsense or Affiliate Marketing, this is a tremendous first step ahead of your competition.

Check out the website here, you won’t pay a thing and you won’t regret it. I’d love to hear success or failure stories back from people who do it. I am a living breathing success story as I am currently a member and I promote my website and other affiliate products using Google Adwords and will continue to do so.

There is still tons to learn so tomorrow I will write a little about how to make money using Google Adwords and Affiliate Marketing. You can also check out my website for some great tutorials on all these subjects and more.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter and get tons of free ebooks on every subject related to making money online, If you already have, go get your friends signed up by just sending them this article. As you can see, this information is valuable for anybody who needs some extra cash and is not sure where to start.

Friday, November 2, 2007

News in a Nutshell....

Whats new in the world Fridays

Welcome to a new segment where I will actually not be talking about making money online and will just give a few brief opinions on the world we live in. All are just my own humble opinions, and all comments are welcome….

World News

Look around the World. A hundred years from now or less, history classes will refer to this time in history as World War 3

Somewhere in the ocean, Robots are actually fighting Pirates. I am NOT making this up.

National News

FEMA held a fake press conference and tried to get away with it. You can’t make stuff this funny up.

Disaster after disaster, that state of California still manages to hang on. Must be their governor reliving days of Predator.

The next president will be a woman and history will change forever…in a good way but only because Steve Colbert isn’t allowed to run

Finance News

Record number of houses are in foreclosure. The big banks are reporting big losses. People are becoming homeless. The Fed cut rates again. CEO’s are getting fired or forced into retirement for poor decisions that caused all of this.

Their Severance packages….$120 Million and up.

Entertainment News

People are shocked that some guy named “dog” has made racist comments. He has a mullet, works on monster trucks for a living somewhere I’m assuming in the Midwest.

A movie called “Saw IV” and a videogame called “Manhunt 2” are tops in news for both most popular and most violent. Tells you all you need to know about society. And we wonder why there is so much violence around us.

Sports News

Barry Bonds is boycotting the hall of Fame…isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? I think its reverse psychology. Good Job Barry. You suck Mark Ecko

The Yankees did this, that and the other thing. All to overshadow the Red Sox world series championship. Meanwhile the Red Sox are becoming the Yankees.

In the time you read all this news, you could have …

Started an eBay business
Started an Adwords Campaign
Signed up for Affiliate Programs
Wrote your own blog

Stop wasting your time and get STARTED!

Click here for your favorite eBay items

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Path Towards Financial Freedom using the Internet: Still no laptop, still making money online....its not such a bad life...

My Path Towards Financial Freedom using the Internet: Still no laptop, still making money online....its not such a bad life...

Still no laptop, still making money online....its not such a bad life...

Making money through the internet is really a beautiful thing. I'm now on day 6 of not having my laptop due to the $%^#&@*(@ hard drive crash, but because of the way I set my adwords, adsense, affiliate programs, and eBay business up, I'm still making money.

The most important way to make money online without turning your computer on, or even having one in my case, is to set up a good adwords program. Adsense makes good money too but not nearly as much as adwords.

Setting up a good adwords program involves

selecting the right products to advertise,
set up your ad campaign
sign up for the affiliate programs,
create excellent ad campaigns and occasionally revise them

That’s it!

Now just sit back and revise when necessary. Sure without being able to constantly check my computer, I’ve had to hold back on the revising, which probably does cost me a little, as it is a very competitive world, but still its doing very satisfactorily considering the fact that I’m doing no work at all. I sit back, blog from my PDA phone, harass the laptop repair shop once an hour, and write down more money making ideas. Yes without a computer, I sure do write a lot.

The best way to learn about adwords? Of courser I’m going to plug my own website here. I put this section together based on everything I’ve learned doing it, along with some other information that I’ve collected from people who seem to know what they are doing. The point is if you follow those directions just like I did, you’ll be making money with adwords and affiliate marketing in no time. I also give away free ebooks about the subject in my free members section.

Some people think affiliate marketing and adwords are two different things. Hell before I started, I didn’t even know what they were, let alone that they were so closely related. But the fact is, without adwords, affiliate marketing would be very difficult to do. Without affiliate markeing, theres really no sense in paying for people to click on your ads. It’s still possible, but requires a LOT more work.

Find one of the best Pay per click advertising programs here

For example, if you decide today you want to start making money with affiliate marketing, what would you do? Set up a website and advertise your affiliate products on it hoping that people come there and click on your ads so you can earn some income? Or do you just email all your friends and tell them what a great product you find? Do you have that many friends? You can go around leaving comments on their myspace accounts too but is that really efficient?

This is where adwords comes in. You create an ad campaign, set your budget, pick your keywords, put in the right links, and you’re off! Anytime someone goes to google and searches the keywords you’re using, your ad will come up. If they click on your ad, you’ll get charged whatever it is a click costs for the ad you have. They will be sent to the product directly, no intermediate website, and if they buy the item, you get the affiliate profit. Now that’s my idea of thinking globally and acting locally. Just a few keystrokes on your pc and the whole world has access to your ads. Not just the whole world, but only the section of the whole world who is actually interested in your product. The rest of them are never even bothered with it. I think this is a beautiful concept and if you don’t, you aren’t meant for a life of making money online.

Get started, click below to Sign up, you’ll obviously need an account if you want to get in the game…

Sign up for AdWords.

Of course you’ll also need to know the basics of affiliate marketing. check out my website section on it.

Also, Check out my Tips for a Successful Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign

To learn an incredibly large amount of information about adwords for free, and to get a free ebook about it, check out my website, and also check out Perry Marshall’s website. I bought his book before I got started and he really stopped me from making a lot of the mistakes most people make because he had already made them and put it all in his book.

He also has a completely free course on adwords that is extremely useful or get a full adwords consultation here

There are a lot of affiliate programs out there you can join. Linkshare and Clickbank are the big ones as far as I can tell, but theres thousands. What is more is that there is thousands of dollars to be made a month using this method, and once its set up, you never have to look at it again, well once in a while, but on the grand scheme of things, hardly ever compared to other occupations or methods of making money online.

You have no website to cry about if your hard drive unexpectedly crashes, you have no blog to have to update every day, you have no inventory to ship out, you don’t need to do any physical labor…I mean seriously, whats better than that? All this time you’re wasting reading blogs, checking people’s pictures on facebook, watching stupid videos on youtube, and you could be making thousands of dollars advertising other peoples products. You figure out which you want to do and get started.

Yes my adwords campaigns still are active and are making tons of money for the affiliate products I’m currently advertising. Yes I’m teaching others how to do it. And yes I still don’t have my laptop so I have plenty of more time to devote to writing blogs, even if nobody is reading J