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Friday, November 2, 2007

News in a Nutshell....

Whats new in the world Fridays

Welcome to a new segment where I will actually not be talking about making money online and will just give a few brief opinions on the world we live in. All are just my own humble opinions, and all comments are welcome….

World News

Look around the World. A hundred years from now or less, history classes will refer to this time in history as World War 3

Somewhere in the ocean, Robots are actually fighting Pirates. I am NOT making this up.

National News

FEMA held a fake press conference and tried to get away with it. You can’t make stuff this funny up.

Disaster after disaster, that state of California still manages to hang on. Must be their governor reliving days of Predator.

The next president will be a woman and history will change forever…in a good way but only because Steve Colbert isn’t allowed to run

Finance News

Record number of houses are in foreclosure. The big banks are reporting big losses. People are becoming homeless. The Fed cut rates again. CEO’s are getting fired or forced into retirement for poor decisions that caused all of this.

Their Severance packages….$120 Million and up.

Entertainment News

People are shocked that some guy named “dog” has made racist comments. He has a mullet, works on monster trucks for a living somewhere I’m assuming in the Midwest.

A movie called “Saw IV” and a videogame called “Manhunt 2” are tops in news for both most popular and most violent. Tells you all you need to know about society. And we wonder why there is so much violence around us.

Sports News

Barry Bonds is boycotting the hall of Fame…isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? I think its reverse psychology. Good Job Barry. You suck Mark Ecko

The Yankees did this, that and the other thing. All to overshadow the Red Sox world series championship. Meanwhile the Red Sox are becoming the Yankees.

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