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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing, Part 2 - My First Affiliate Marketing Experience

8 Step Process towards affiliate success

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My very first affiliate marketing venture was a success. I was shocked. My wife was shocked. It took less than 24 hours. I got a Paypal payment in the amount of $40 less than 4 hours after sending an email out to a bunch of my friends. My cost was absolutely nothing, I just wanted to test out the very first affiliate link I found to be useful. All of a sudden my Paypal account had a deposit in it. Amazing, and I’ve been hooked since of this brilliant idea of selling somebody else’s products and getting money for it.

Unfortunately after that really quick success, I didn’t succeed again until months later. I read tons of books about it, read a lot of information online, and signed up for a lot of programs. One program out of all of them helped me the most, and it was very inexpensive compared to the others. I actually made the money back with my first affiliate sale. It was James Martell’s 8 Step Process. It provided every piece of the puzzle necessary to get started.

You can always check my website or blog out for tons of free affiliate marketing info, and this weekend I should be uploading to my free Google Group an in depth e-Book about succeeding with affiliate marketing. Make sure you’re a member! Otherwise you can buy it on eBay for a few bucks, but for members, everything is always free. Wouldn’t be a bad idea though just to have an ebay ID.

The trickiest part about affiliate marketing, just like my article about adsense, is getting people to view what you are offering. With Adsense, the trick was to get people to your blog or website so they would click on your advertisements. With affiliate marketing, you don’t even need a website or blog. You can simply advertise your products through email or Adwords and I’m sure you know it takes a lot less work to make an Adwords campaign than to run an entire website or keep updating a blog.

The beauty of Adwords is that you can start your campaign immediately, people will see your ad on their Google results if they put in the right keywords that you are targeting, and if they click on your ad and purchase the item or do whatever your affiliate goal is, your profit is the commission subtracted by how much you paid for the click. If they click on your ad and decide against the product, you lose the cost of the click so it is extremely important to make good ads that only the people who plan on buying will click on them.

This is all very in depth stuff that requires studying before you jump head in. Again I strongly suggest you go ahead with the free Adwords e-course to really educate yourself on the subject of Adwords.

Of course if you decide against using Adwords, you can still be an affiliate marketer, it’ll just be a little tougher.

Tomorrow I’m going to identify the ways to be an affiliate marketer for free, but don’t forget to check out this great ebook if you decide you want to independently investigate yourself.

You hopefully signed up for the free e-course on Adwords from the previous article. Now I want to share with you yet another 100% free e-course done completely through email from one of the true Adwords geniuses, Perry Marshall. Click here to sign up for it, no cost, no fuss, and if you really like it, you should read his book. I did and it changed the way I look at using Adwords to make money.

For people who already get the basic gist of Adwords and want to go on to the next level, get an Adwords consultations, click here, or for personal Adwords coaching from a true genius, click here.

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