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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing, Part 1

Best Deal on Affiliate Marketing

Ok, I get the message. You guys want to learn about affiliate marketing. Ever since I started my free website about making money online, I’ve been getting emails daily for more information about it. So you want to make money with affiliate marketing? Just kidding, of course you do. It’s all the rave, its everything you hear about online. All the super guru’s are sticking it in your face how much they’re making with it. So what is it all about? Who can you trust?

First let me mention that this will just be a snapshot of what affiliate marketing is. I’ve actually been working on a more complete eBook that I’m going to upload to my Google Group in the next couple days. It will consist of pages and pages of free information. For now, let’s consider this just a prequel to the E-book, but keep an eye out for that. I promise all this time I’m putting into it will make it very in depth.

Check out my Google Group here, its chocked full of free eBooks and one about affiliate marketing is going to hit any day now.

Now onto making money with affiliate marketing. Do you ever notice when you are looking to buy something online, like a DVD or CD or Book, tons of the links that you click on end up bringing you to Amazon.com even though that’s not where you thought you were going? Do you know why? Amazon created the first ever Internet affiliate marketing program. People advertise Amazon products all over the web, the customers click on their links, it brings the customer to amazon.com, they make a purchase, and the person who made the affiliate link gets a small commission. That in a nutshell is affiliate marketing. Get it yet?

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online. The very basic definition of it is you, the affiliate marketer, promote a merchant’s product in exchange for a commission. Simple right. To start is easy. To master it takes real work and dedication. What it actually consists of is four basic steps

A: finding a hot product in a hot market (can be absolutely anything)
B: registering with an affiliate program you trust ( most sites have them now)
C: promoting the product on your own (adwords, website, blog, email)
D: hoping people buy it. (you can lead a horse to water….)

The best part about affiliate marketing is that like the many things that I teach, it can be very cost effective. Translated, if done right, it won’t cost you hardly anything and anything you do spend will quickly be made up in commissions.

Warning: If done wrong or rushed into without proper education, it can be very costly and you could lose a lot in a couple of days.

Once you fully get this concept, you will be making money.

Tomorrow I’m gonna go over my very own first experience with affiliate marketing and how I turned it into a success.

Today I’m going to give you the secret to that success, out of all the programs I joined, Net Breakthroughs simply was amazing. You get so much extra added bonuses, its so ridiculous I cant even list them all here because of space limitations, and in the end, they offer a full money back guarantee and you get to keep everything you got.

In the end, I figured that I didn’t want to take the big step into affiliate marketing with the fear that I’d lose my shirt because I didn’t know what I was doing, I went in with big hopes, and came out with big cash. He offers the money back guarantee but I’d much rather have the money I made using it.

Check it out here.

And if you still feel you are a beginner and need to master adwords first, check out my blog on learning adwords and taking the free course.

See you tomorrow!

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