Web Page Redesign!
10 Free eBooks plus Much Much More to come!
You may have noticed that my entire website geared towards helping people make money online for free has been completely revamped. You may notice that a lot of the information on there is missing. First let me assure you that its not. This past weekend, I learned some of the most valuable lessons you can learn in the art of web design, and hopefully you will benefit from my education.
If you were in the middle of a tutorial or learning some advanced methods and the page is no longer available, I apologize. At the end of this blog, I will make up for it by showing you how to get some great stuff for free. I assure you though, all of the information will be put back, but in a much more effective and efficient manner.
Wikiprofit still contains all the information about making money online with eBay, Adsense, and Affiliate Marketing through tools like web design, Adwords, Search Engine Optimization and much more. It still contains all the best information from all over the internet on where and how to make money online. My goal is still to be the best website to “learn how to make online in your spare time without spending a dime”.
In my opinion, and maybe yours too, the old format was just way too difficult to navigate. It consisted of over 140 pages!. With that many pages, you are bound to get some broken links. In the end it’s just frustrating to go through so many pages of information, no matter how valuable the information is.
So what did I do? First I wrote the goals that I want my website to accomplish. Here they were in there order of important. If you plan on making a website, I encourage you to follow the same steps.
- Easy to Navigate Site
- Best Education Possible for the Visitors
- Visitors take advantage of all the free information & ebooks available in the google group.
What I then realized was that I could accomplish all three goals simply by putting less on the website! Yes that’s not a typo, I said less. Instead of 140 pages to navigate, some of them long and tedious to read, I narrowed it down into the 40 most important pages and I even shortened them. To give you an idea of how much information I removed, included in those 40 pages are new sections about investing, saving, budgeting and youtube.
On the website, you will see that each page has a topic, key benefits, requirements, skills, articles and information about the topic, and a link to sign up for the newsletter to get the free ebooks that relate to that topic. That’s it.
So what happened to the other 100 pages of useful information you were planning to use to start making some real money? It’s still there but now it is in eBook form ready for you to download for free and read at your own leisure. You no longer have to go through tons of information you don’t need, you can pick which book you want and only read about that. Each topic has been divided into several different ebooks that I will put together and will be available to download for free from my google group any time you want.
Did you get that? I accomplished all of my goals. All it took was a little bit of concentration, organization, deep thinking, and a hard drive crash to wipe out all my old pages that I had saved. I did it all in a weekend but obviously not all of the ebooks have been completed. I plan on completing a few of them every day and uploading them to the site.
For each method of making money online, I plan on offering at least 4 ebooks consisting of beginners and advanced guides, a full tutorial, and a tips & tricks guide. I will have this for Affiliate Marketing, Adsense, Adwords, eBay, and much more.
For the time being, please check out the redesign of my website and tell me what you think. I’m even trying to work with a new logo design and want to hear all your opinions. I will work daily on making this website as good as it possibly can be but its nothing without its visitors so if it something you like, please forward it on to your friends.
I know I’ve taken a lot of information off the website right now that isn’t immediately available in ebook format so to make up for that, please check out this website where you can download 10 Free eBooks about making money online. It’s a great site and all the ebooks are already part of my collection and have been used over and over again to make me thousands of dollars online.
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